
Version: 2.6.20180430102904

Documentation (pdf)

Experimental support for reactive/async programming

The new module `crnk-reactive` integrates projectreactor.io/ into Crnk to support reactive programming. A basic in-memory example looks like:

	private Map resources = new HashMap<>();

	public InMemoryReactiveResourceRepository() {

	public Mono> findAll(QuerySpec querySpec) {
		return Mono.fromCallable(() -> querySpec.apply(resources.values()));

	public Mono create(Task entity) {
		return save(entity);

	public Mono save(Task entity) {
		resources.put(entity.getId(), entity);
		return Mono.just(entity);

	public Mono delete(Long id) {
		return Mono.fromCallable(() -> resources.remove(id) != null);
Main benefits over the traditional API are: Currently this is considered experimental. For more information and limitations have a look at the documentation. In particular the lack of an asynchronous JDBC/JPA implementation is a bit of a roadblock for some application.


There is a new AsyncCrnkServlet that complements crnk-reactive. In contrast to the CrnkServlet, requests get processed asynchronous and share a set of worker threads.


With support for reactive programming comes experimental support for Vert.x as well.
> completionHandler = event -> waitSubject.onSuccess(event.result());

vehicle = new CrnkVerticle(port);
vertx = Vertx.vertx(options);
vertx.deployVerticle(vehicle, completionHandler);

Updates to www.crnk.io

The web page has been been refreshed a bit. Most notably the update of the web page has been integrated into the release process and documentation gets published automatically:

Dedicated security chapter

The documentation hosts a new chapter dedicated to security. It aggregates the various security-related topics in one chapter.

@JsonProperty support for QuerySpec

The @JsonProperty annotation allows to rename fields in the JSON response. Since this release the same name mapping is applied to filter, sort, field set and inclusion parameters in QuerySpec. DefaultQuerySpecUrlMapper.setMapJsonNames allows to disable the behavior.

Refinements to custom PagingBehavior registration

Registering a custom PagingBehavior implementation makes it the global default in an application. It is no longer necessary to explicitly refer to the new implementation in @JsonApiResource.pagingBehavior. @JsonApiResource.pagingBehavior can continue to be used if multiple PagingBehavior implementations are used for different resources.

URL Mapping of QuerySpec

The functionality of QuerySpecSerializer and QuerySpecDeserializer has been merged into a new interface QuerySpecUrlMapper. The functionality of the two have been closely related and changes usually needed to be applied to both. The new interface simplifies more consistent URL handling and eases customizing that behavior.

Improved exception handling

Server information

With CrnkBoot.putServerInfo(...) information about the server can be made available to clients. For example:
	"data": [...]
	"jsonapi": {

Streamlined project naming

Setup related projects newly share a crnk-setup prefix:
Previous name New name
crnk-cdi crnk-setup-cdi
crnk-guice crnk-setup-guice
crnk-rs crnk-setup-rs
crnk-servlet crnk-setup-servlet
crnk-spring crnk-setup-spring, crnk-setup-spring-boot1 and crnk-setup-spring-boot2

The previous projects still exists and point have the new projects as dependency. At some point in the future those projects will be removed.

The SpringBoot-related functionality has further been moved into dedicated crnk-setup-spring-boot projects, one for version 1.x and one for version 2.x.

Improved Spring Boot 2 support

crnk-setup-spring-boot2 is a new project dedicated to Spring Boot 2. This includes:


crnk-bom is a Maven BOM managing the versions of all crnk artifacts.


Move to Bintray

OSS hosting on Sonatype has proven to be rather unreliable. The project has now moved to JFrog Bintray. The repository is available at: https://bintray.com/crnk-project/maven.